Jacky Al-Samarraie Strawberry Greeting Card


Strawberry design greeting card featuring two juicy strawberries. Part of designer Jacky Al-Samarraie's bright and colourful greeting card range of graphic style images which includes eight fruit designs plus animals, birds & flowers.

Suggestion: Why not frame these cards as look great as mini pictures?

Colour: Pink

Card Size: 150 x 150mm

Blank for your own message.

Made in England and printed on beautiful card produced in a paper mill in the Lake District.

Supplied with luxury matching envelope and cellophane bag.

Full Description

Strawberry design greeting card featuring two juicy strawberries. Part of designer Jacky Al-Samarraie's bright and colourful greeting card range of graphic style images which includes eight fruit designs plus animals, birds & flowers.

Suggestion: Why not frame these cards as look great as mini pictures?

Colour: Pink

Card Size: 150 x 150mm

Blank for your own message.

Made in England and printed on beautiful card produced in a paper mill in the Lake District.

Supplied with luxury matching envelope and cellophane bag.

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